Let Go of Personal Strongholds
God wants the best for His children, even here on earth, yet oddly enough many Christians have strongholds in their lives that keep them from receiving the best. A stronghold is a group, person, or thing that is the center of all that we do, when Christ is our stronghold we prosper and are blessed, even through circumstances. Personal strongholds suggests secret thoughts and desires that keep Christ from becoming Lord of their lives and receiving the blessings God has in store for them. If we truly want Christ to be Lord of our lives and see His true blessings we need to let go of personal strongholds.
After the death of Saul, David was rightfully to be the king of all of Israel, but under circumstances, Abner, the powerful commander of Saul's armies, proclaimed Saul's son Ishbosheth king of Israel. His motive, he desired to be in control of Israel and since his was not son of Saul, the next best thing would be next in command. II Samuel 3:7-10. The crown was rightfully meant for David, but David knew that he would be king of Israel when it was his appointed time to do so. Often, people that go over God's commands think they have won and are in control of their own destinies, but they fail to realize that God is always in control and sooner or later He will bring all things to pass as He never goes back on His Word.
About seven years later, there was a fierce quarrel between Abner and Ishbosheth. When confronted by Ishbosheth over Abner's deceitfulness, Abner tried to take control of the situation by threatening Ishbosheth. II Samuel 3:7-10. Abner conceitedly reminds Ishbosheth that he was the one that made him king, admitting also that he knew that David rightfully was chosen by God Himself to be king. What he was really saying was that he went over God's head and succeeded so he had the right to do whatever he wanted. This resulted in Abner going to David to form a league with him instead. II Samuel 3:12. David agreed and Abner then contacted the elders of Israel, reminding them that David was anointed to be king over Israel to begin with. However, a short time after Abner met with David, he was murdered by Joab, the commander of David's army, and then Ishbosheth was assassinated by two of his own guards. No one can escape going against God, He will even use their wickedness to see that things happen the way He commands. Abner thought he was in control, but he found out the hard way that God is always in control.
Abner's personal stronghold was his ego, he wanted to be powerful and in control, using whatever charm and deceitfulness he could to receive what he desired. Many people have personal strongholds that are harming not only themselves, but their relationship with God as well. There may be a place hidden from human view that is the center of the heart, this can be physical improvement, a career, a forbidden love, or a habit that one has never surrendered over to God. It is important to realize that any person who call on Jesus to save them from their sins are now His Temples and no matter how good we are at hiding things from the human eye we can not hide them from God. Of course He wants us to be healthy and take care of ourselves, but we can not let the personal strongholds of the world to become the center of our lives. Such strongholds are overcome as we daily read and obey God's Word and are filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. We are to "Love not the world... I John 2:15-17. We can all be in the will of God and see great blessings, but we must first examine ourselves and ask ourselves if we need to let go of any personal strongholds keeping us from seeing them. Then and only then can we be forgiven, reconcile with God, and receive His blessings. Romans 5:9-11.
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