4/13 Crumbs from the Master's Table


1 Corinthians 15

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” (v. 58)

The Lord would have us to be steadfast, which has to do with our walk, and unmovable, which has much to do with our standing. Jesus was steadfast when he set His face toward Jerusalem (Lk. 9:51), He was determined that nothing would change His course until He got where He had determined to go. We need to be constant in our stand, and consistent in our actions and service. Where are the “Daniel’s” today, who refuse to bow to this world’s demands? Until we are determined to be steadfast, and unmovable, we will never abound in the work of the Lord. The Lord would have us to stay busy in His work; “always abounding” means, in a sense, “overflowing” in His work, and implies doing it with exuberance. The Lord does not need part time workers. You see, as the verse says, our “labor is not in vain in the Lord”. He will reward us openly for our sacrifices and our service. We must remain in the place of His blessing though, and not stray from the right paths.

We are admonished to be steadfast; In what?
In the work of the Lord.
We are to be immovable; Why?
Because there is a cause.
We should be always abounding; How?
By staying in the Word of Truth,
and busy in the work of truth.
There is no greater work than this.

This is for us, “beloved brethren” so that we might enjoy a prosperous, fruitful, and happy life in the Lord. We are the beloved of the Lord; therefore, He expects something from us just as we do from our own children. Is this too much to ask? We must study to be what the Lord wants us to be, not wishy-washy and compliant toward the world and its systems, but steadfast and unmovable for the Lord, and, after all, we get a lot in return.

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