4/14 Strength for Today

Wisdom vs. Money

Ecclesiastes 7:12
“For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.”

There are two things in life that you cannot live without and those two things are money and wisdom. Both are very important to life, but both are not things for which we should live. With one of these you can exist, but without one of these you will not be able to exist. Of course money is important because with it we pay bills and purchase food to eat and clothing to wear. Wisdom is important because with it we can accomplish great things in life.

Money in itself is not evil. When the Scriptures talk about money they say in 1 Timothy 6:10, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” Notice that God did not say that money in itself is evil; He said that the love of money is evil. In other words, when you live for money instead of getting money to live, then that is when money becomes evil.

In the verse above God said that money and wisdom are a defense. In other words, money and wisdom are a shelter in life. But when God talks about both of them, one excels the other, and only one should be pursued in life. That one that we should pursue is wisdom.
According to the verse above, only wisdom will give life. When God talks about wisdom giving life, He is explaining to us that wisdom is the element that gives enthusiasm, spirit, energy, liveliness, vitality, fire and oomph to life. When wisdom is heeded it will add all of these elements to your life.

If wisdom is so important, then how do we get wisdom? Wisdom is obtained by following the advice of knowledge. I have said many times that there are many people who are filled with knowledge but have no wisdom. All the knowledge in the world doesn't do a person a bit of good if they don't heed what knowledge tells them to do. When knowledge is ignored it is foolishness, but knowledge followed is wisdom. If you want wisdom, then get the knowledge first and then act upon what knowledge tells you to do.

Christian, both wisdom and money are necessary to life. Without money you cannot pay bills, but money cannot give life to life. Without wisdom you can exist in life, but with wisdom life becomes enjoyable and is filled with life. If you will pursue wisdom, money will take care of itself. So whatever you do, be sure to pursue wisdom. Follow the advice of knowledge, and apply the knowledge learned and you will be one who finds wisdom, and in the finding of wisdom you will find life.

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