4/16 Daily in the Word

Facing Challenges
I Kings 18:36-39

God deserves all praise for miracles, for without Him, we would be lost.

Elijah faced a challenge in I Kings 18. We saw yesterday the challenge proposed to prove whose deity was real, God or Baal. While the prophets of Baal failed to summon fire from their god, notice Elijah's response to the challenge. Elijah didn't want to simply prove that God was powerful. He wanted to prove that God was all-powerful, the only One who ruled the world.

Elijah's challenge wasn't only to call down fire from Heaven. While that verbal challenge had been made, his challenge was to prove to everyone in attendance that God was King over all. His challenge was to sway the indecision of the people in attendance. His challenge was to allow God to use him to show a wicked king that God was still in control.

Elijah faced many challenges that day on Mount Carmel. If he came up short, his life would surely be required. But notice Elijah's response to the challenges he faced. Rather than fearing what could happen, Elijah prayed and praised. His response can be applied to the challenges we face in our Christian lives.

He Prayed. Elijah's main weapon against the false prophets was prayer. He didn't turn to his own ability, or think of some man-made way to burn the sacrifice; he went straight to God. Elijah knew that the challenge was bigger than he could handle. He needed a miracle from God.

Many times in life you'll face a situation that is too big for you to handle. Problems will mount, circumstances will be over your head, and you won't know what to do. Follow Elijah's example and seek God through prayer right away. You'll be tempted to worry or stress over the problem, but God desires that you would immediately seek His help.

He Praised. The result of Elijah's praying was a miracle! Fire came down and consumed everything on and around the altar. While Elijah could have gloried in his prayers or abilities, he used the answered prayer to point people to God.

When God answers your prayer, give Him the credit and glory. Human nature will tell you to accept the praise, yet only God deserves the praise for answered prayer. Use God's miracle as a chance to point others to Christ.

How do you handle life's challenges? Immediately seek God through prayer and allow Him to handle your toughest situations. When He does provide a miracle, praise Him for it, and point others to Him as a result. God deserves all praise for miracles, for without Him, we would be lost.

Daily Bible Reading
I Samuel 30-31 | Luke 13:23-35

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