4/18 Daily in the Word

Four Needed Walls
Ephesians 6:1-4

Apathetic parents do not create strong families.

Have you noticed how the structure of the family has degraded over recent decades? Sadly, many parents forego the effort it takes to train children, and as a result children are not taught proper values. An example of the ridiculousness of how some children view their parents is found in the 1978 lawsuit Thomas Hansen of Boulder, Colorado, brought against his parents. Claiming "malpractice of parenting" Hansen sued his parents for $350,000 to cover costly psychiatric treatment after his parents "mishandled his upbringing."

How sad that a child would use the justice system to bring charges against his parents. Sadly, many other problems abound within our familial structure. Yesterday we saw three walls that were torn down and in need of repair in our families. Today, let's focus on four walls we can build to strengthen our families.

The Wall of Confidence. As parents, your children are watching you. They notice how you treat each other and how you live out your marriage. No marriage will be perfect, but your children need to see loving commitment from both of you.

In a world that screams "Marriage doesn't work!" your children need to see an example of commitment. Children gain confidence in you as the parents and in the family as a whole when they see you living out your love and commitment to your spouse.

The Wall of Security. In a world of acceptance, your children need to know that no matter what, they are loved and accepted at home. They need that security in their lives. Children face acceptance at school, with friends, on sports teams, and in life in general. Make sure they feel loved and accepted by spending time with them individually, talking to them about their day, encouraging them, and doing all you can to make them feel special within your family.

The Wall of Standards. While children need security through loving attention, make sure standards and order is set in the home. Permissiveness only breeds rebellion. Your children are learning about life and how to live; they need the guidance of standards and rules to teach them right from wrong. Don't believe the world's lie that rules "restrict" a child; remember God's thoughts in Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

The Wall of Faith. Perhaps the most important trait you can instill in your children is the fear of God. From an early age, children need to hear Bible stories, attend church and Sunday school, sing Bible songs, and learn of God's love for them. All life values and choices of your children hinge on their understanding of God.

Some people think children are too young to understand spiritual matters, but consider the words of Paul in 2 Timothy 1:5, "When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also." From his youth, Timothy learned of God from his mother and grandmother.

How safe is your family against the devil's attacks? Have you built walls to protect your marriage and your children from falling? Apathetic parents do not create strong families; you must actively work toward protecting your family. Take time this week to begin or continue building each of these four walls. Spend the time necessary to strengthen your family walls against the devil's attacks.

Daily Bible Reading
2 Samuel 3-5 | Luke 14:25-35

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