4/26 Daily in the Word

Stephen's Message

Acts 6:8-15

Your life is either preaching a message of hope in Christ, or a message of hopelessness in the world.

Stephen must have been elated to be chosen as a leader in the early church. It was truly an honor to be entrusted with the church's ministry and duties. However, his new role didn't come without consequences. The religious leaders of the day didn't view Christianity as faith based on truth. They recognized this new faith that taught of the fulfilled Messianic prophecy as a threat to their ritualistic religion. With that in mind, they set out to discredit many of the apostles and early church leaders, including Stephen.

Stephen faced much opposition for his evident faith. Acts 6 shows us the efforts of religious leaders to quiet Stephen and discredit his message. Yet as much as the religious leaders tried, Stephen wouldn't silence his message. Notice a few aspects of his message today.

His message was based on the Truth. Unlike the many messages of religions of the day, Stephen taught only what Christ had taught. He spoke of Christ's perfect life, sinless sacrifice, and free gift for anyone who would believe. He didn't add to the Gospel; he preached solely the truth of God's Word.

His message was irresistible. Acts 6:10 says, "And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake." Stephen preached that the Old Testament prophecies God had given were fulfilled by Christ. His message was so sound Scripturally that not even the apologists of the day could argue.

His message was continuous. Despite his solid message, Stephen faced intense opposition from those who wished to stop the spread of Christianity. The religious leaders hired informants to lie about Stephen, much like the people who were hired to lie about Christ. The opposers went to great lengths to discredit Stephen's message; yet through it all, Stephen never apologized, backed down, or silenced his message. He continued speaking truth despite the opposition.

Everyone who preaches or tells others of Christ's truth will face opposition. Missionaries often face intense persecution for their witness. Here in America, Christians face social, political, and relational ostracism for believing the truths of God's Word. Despite the opposition, God desires for our message to continue.

If someone were to describe the message of your life, would it reflect Stephen's message? Right now you are preaching a message with your life. You're either preaching a message of Truth, as Stephen, or you're preaching a message of apathy that discredits God's Word to others. You'll face opposition if you choose to preach of God's love, yet the opposition is nothing compared to the blessings you'll see as you faithfully preach God's message. Make sure your life is preaching Christ.

To learn more about the ministries of Lancaster Baptist Church and Pastor Chappell, please visit lancasterbaptist.org, paulchappell.com, or follow him on twitter.

Daily Bible Reading
2 Samuel 23-24 | Luke 19:1-27

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