4/8 For Ladies Only

What to do When Going Through a Rough Time, Part 2 of 4

You must realize that you will only make it through your hardships by getting God’s grace for your spirit and life on a daily basis. When you wake up in the morning, ask God to give you His grace to go through the hardships. Then trust God that He will come through as He said He would. When the hardship becomes very heavy throughout the day, you may need to take a short break to get alone and ask God to give you some added grace. Don’t be afraid to tell God that you don’t think you can carry the load, but continue to beg God to give you His grace to bear that load. Remind God that He gave his grace to Paul and that you are no different than him.

3. Read several Psalms daily.

Many of the psalms were written during the troubled times of David’s life. God gave us those psalms so that when hardships come we have something to read that will lift us up. When carrying heavy loads you must find yourself reading Psalms on a daily basis.

Not only should you read several psalms, but you should memorize as many psalms as you can. Then, throughout the day, purposely quote the psalms to remind you that God is there to help you.

One other helpful tip is to sing the psalms. There has been music put to several psalms. You need to find the psalms that have music with them and learn to sing those psalms. You will find that singing the psalms is a great medicine for your spirit.

4. Listen to cheerful music.

Music is a very important part of everyone’s life. Music has the power to lift or depress your spirit. God says in Ephesians 5:19, “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;” God knew that music was powerful, so that is why He commanded us to sing music.

The key to this verse is spiritual music. You will never lift your spirit by listening to the world’s music. The world’s music will only leave you more frustrated and depressed. There is nothing uplifting about the world’s music.

When you choose to listen to music, be sure the music you listen to is cheerful and uplifting. There is some music that will cause you to become very thoughtful about your situation. That will only depress you. So, choose music that makes you feel happy and play it often in the car and around the house.

5. Get away from the stressful situation and take a break.

Every once in awhile you need to take a break from your situation. You cannot be around your situation 24/7 without it eventually getting you down. You need to have a time when you purposely get away and do something you enjoy. A little break will be very helpful in giving you a release from the pressures of your trial.

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