1/26 Daily in the Word

God Uses Anyone

1 Samuel 29:1-7

God's sovereignty knows no economic, social, or physical boundaries.

Preacher C.H. Spurgeon once reminded his congregation of the sovereignty of God with the following commentary:

"There is no attribute more comforting to His children than that of God's sovereignty. Under the most adverse circumstances, in the most severe trials, they believe that sovereignty has ordained their afflictions, that sovereignty overrules them, and that sovereignty will sanctify them all. There is nothing for which the children ought to more earnestly contend to than the doctrine of their Master over all creation-the Kingship of God over all the works of His own hands-the Throne of God and His right to sit upon that throne...for it is God upon the Throne whom we trust."

David was stuck in a precarious situation. As Achish gathered his armies to attack Israel, he commanded David to accompany him into battle. When the lords of the Philistines saw David and his group of men ready to go to battle, they protested his participation.

Achish defended his decision to include David, feeling David was loyal to him after a year and four months of living in his land. He also liked the thought of Saul's son-in-law being his bodyguard. Yet the lords were not fooled by David's charm. They even brought up his slaying of Goliath and the songs Israelites sang about him.

Giving into the pressure, Achish sent David and his men home to Ziklag. Although he wanted David to accompany him, he feared the wrath of the lords more than he wished to challenge them.

Had David been forced to enter battle he would have had to choose between killing his own people and being found out by Achish. Yet God delivered him in a most unique way-he used David's enemies to preserve David's life.

God can use anyone to accomplish His will. It doesn't matter if it's a sworn enemy of Israel or a giant whale-God is sovereign to always accomplish His plan.

If God can use David's enemies to preserve David's safety, how much more can He use you as a child of God? God's sovereignty knows no economic, social, or physical boundaries. All God requires is that you be obedient to His commands.

Many Christians desire to be used of God but fail to obey even God's simplest commands. Examine your life right now. Are you obeying God's Word? Make sure your life is ready to be used of God by obeying His daily commands like spending time in His Word, seeking Him through prayer, living humbly, loving others, and being faithful to His house.

Daily Bible Reading
Exodus 14-15 | Matthew 17

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