12/28 Fundamental Thoughts

Why God?

            As a preface to this article, I want to state why I chose this title.  Whenever a tragedy like “The Newtown School Shooting” occurs, the press, (not journalists, they no longer exist) dwells on the reason why God would allow such a horrifying happening.  I am not certain I will give a substantial answer, primarily because some of the press no longer knows God.  They are “of your father the devil” and wouldn’t know a blessing from God if He actually gave them one.  They, the press, are the reason for this diatribe.

John 8:44  Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

            As I remember, the first time I ever heard this question, “Why God,” was on Mother’s Day, 1951.  I was nine years old, and my Mother asked this very question upon receiving the news that my Father had died in Korea.  It is a question that has haunted me for years, and I never understood the answer.  Even now I can only surmise the answer.
            After I accepted Jesus The Christ as my personal Savior, January 19, 1993, I purchased my first King James Bible.  I didn’t purchase the Bible just to possess it, but to read it, and to study it.  In the ensuing months and years, it became evident that The Bible tells the answer.
            The complete answer is in The Bible, but we are required to be observant of our surroundings, and what is happening within the world around us.  In doing so, we can find the “Why” all around us.
            God created Man, then Woman, and then marriage.  In so doing, He created The Home.  After The Home, He created The Church after His Son Jesus The Christ.   When we look at these God created institutions (as they stand today,) we should be able to see the “Why.”

[1]  The Bible teaches that God has two institutions - the HOME and the CHURCH. Nothing should be more important to a Christian than these two places, for they are sacred.

            In this dissertation, we will look at these two Creations:  The Home, and The Church, in relation to our question, “Why God?”

            The Home is created when a Man and a Woman unite in Holy Matrimony.  (They become one in this union.)  God’s intent is that Marriage be an inseparable union, once created, only to be dissolved by the death of one.

Jesus tells us in (Matthew 19:4-6) …and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,  5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh  6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

We can look at the world and see the attacks on our marriages, (the redefining of marriage, the divorces, and the casualness of living together as if married.)  My first thoughts are the world has redefined marriage. We see this attack as a total defilement of God’s Word. 
            (Many are redefining marriage.)  The first and the one most loudly championed are the sodomites who want a multi-sexual definition of marriage.  The other prominent redefiner are those who use the casualness of “living together” as if they are married to define marriage. 
            Concerning sodomites:  God tells us plainly that sodomy is an abomination towards God.

Leviticus 20:13  If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

[2]Abomination = 1. Extreme hatred; detestation.  2. The object of detestation, a common signification in scripture.

I am not advocating that sodomites be put to death.  We, as Christians must make a sincere attempt to lead them to Jesus, (who will give them the ability to repent of their sin and no longer be an abomination to God.)  God hates sodomy, and the sin it perpetrates. (God never said, “He hates sodomites.”  It is their sin He hates.) 
            God defines marriage as a union between a Man and a Woman.

Matthew 19:5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh

Those who foster their redefinition are walking against, and are in enmity with God.

            The world’s second redefinition is:  choosing to “try each other out” by living together.  Men (boys) have made our daughters whores, and we as Fathers are doing nothing about it.  (We allow our daughters to dress and act like Hollywood whorettes.  Many wives have followed suit.)
            The Family is a unit made up of a Man and a Woman, and their offspring.  (This Family is created in a marriage of a Man and a Woman.)  A Family is never two men and their offspring, nor can it be two women and their offspring.

            The church is defined as:  [3] "a company of people called out to a specific place for a specific purpose."
It is a local body of people who have received Jesus Christ as their Savior, those who deliberately, by their faith, accepted Him, and in obedience were Baptized into a local assembly.
            The Church is not “the building” where believers assemble, but “each individually and collectively” are the church.

1 Corinthians 3:16  Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

            The Church has come under attack primarily from our Government through The Judicial System.  Judges have quarantined The Ten Commandments in a locked closet in a courthouse basement in Georgia.  Judges have refused to stop Doctors from killing innocent babies through abortion.  (Thou Shalt Not Kill.)  The atheists are using the courts to keep Jesus’ name out of the public venue.
            Our biggest problem is what is happening within the confines of the worship service.  Sin and repentant preaching has been tempered by a prosperity and forgiveness preaching.  We no longer want to hear about our sins, and of course, we do not want to change (repent) from our involvement in our sin.  Our music has been changed to “seven verses, eleven times.”  The music of these 7/11 songs sounds as if they came from the world’s bar room, not a Godly mind.
            The Bible has been changed so many times, solely to soften sin, and soften The Deity of Jesus.  No one wants to hear He is God, and all powerful.
            The Church is being “killed from within” by some who “call” themselves Christian.  They may be sincere as they are bringing people in.  However, are their souls being won for the Lord, or for the world?
            Some of us who call ourselves “Christians” walk a walk, and talk a talk that is pure blasphemy to God.

[4] “Blaspheme To speak of the Supreme Being in terms of impious irreverence; to revile or speak reproachfully of God, or the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 3:16  Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

            If we are the “temple of God,” how can we be a part of blaspheming God, Jesus The Christ, or The Holy Spirit?

            My first question I must quell is that my answer to the question, “Why God?” is not that I am answering for God.  (His answer may not be what I have penned.)  However, from a Biblical stand point, I believe the answer that I have derived is, in part of God.  (I am not purporting a new scripture, just my heart.)
            The question, “Why God?” is answered in their defined attacks.  The HOME is under attack through many avenues.  Too many HOMES lack a Father figure, a leader, a disciplinarian. 
            Sodomites are creating un-Biblical homes with single gender “families.”  Two “Fathers” are not the answer.  A child needs the nurturing of a Mother, and the spiritual leadership of a Father.
            The HOME is also being redefined by those who agree to “live together,” and have no commitment towards each other.   “Trial living” sometimes ends with an unwed Mother and a child. (Does the Mother bring up the child or hand him over to Grandma to rear?  There is no commitment to Family or to the HOME.)
            Divorce has become another attack on the HOME.  Too many who marry lack the determination that their marriage is for “the long haul.”  (Something more attractive or exciting comes along, and it is time to change to a defiled bed.)
            I understand that much of what I have written concerning our HOME is an extreme, over simplification of our problem.  However, we as Christians must determine that God has never allowed a redefinition of the HOME. 

[5]  The Bible teaches that God has two institutions - the HOME and the CHURCH. Nothing should be more important to a Christian than these two places, for they are sacred.

After Christ, our spouse must be our most precious, most loved person.  (Our spouse must be sacred to us.  Our HOME must also be a sacred place for us.) 
            (We as Christians must refuse the carnality of the world.)  As Christians, our real problem is we have left the door open to the world.  We have accepted “sodomites” as normal, and they are not.  We have accepted our children “shacking up” living in a life of sin.  We are even “prideful” with no visible shame when our unwed daughters come home pregnant.
            We call this normal, but then ask, “Why God?”  We (in the HOME) have turned our backs on His created institution of the HOME, but expect His Blessings, and question the motives of what He allows.  (We have turned our backs on God, allowing these redefinitions.  This happens to the family when God, His Son Jesus, and The Holy Spirit are no longer allowed in The Home and in our schools.)  (How do we have the gaul to ask of God, “Why?”)
            Our Churches have required our Pastors (The Preachers, The Watchmen, The Prophets,) to quit harping on sin.  (Quit telling us we are heading to Hell.)  We insist they use a watered down bible, leaving God’s Word on the printers cutting table. 
            Our Churches:  those who are preaching the fundamentals of The Word of God are mocked and ignored:   Our King James “Old Fashioned” Bible along with our modest clothing choices are mocked.
            However, when a tragedy happens:  (children are murdered, a tsunami kills thousands, an earthquake, a tornado, a hurricane, or any other man made or natural devastation,) we ask, “Why God?”
            I understand why those of us who do not know God will ask this question.  (They usually give “Mother Nature” the credit for the “natural devastation.”)   However, when it comes to evil happening, they go to God. 
            But, Christians also ask God, “Why?”  Christians, “Why are you asking God a question, when you should know the answer?   Have you sincerely, (with a convicted heart) asked Jesus to be your Saviour?  Do you love Him for what He has given you?  Do you follow His precepts, His commands?”

John 14:15  If ye love me, keep my commandments.

If you love Him, and you do believe, turn back to Him, and walk in His path. 
            The question, “Why God?” will then be answered for you.  (It really means you will never ask the question again because God is still waiting for the rest of the world to “see” Him.) 
            Tell others that God wants each and every one of us.  He wants all of us to live eternally with Him and His Son Jesus.

Bro John R. E Chastain
Baptist Evangelist
Wylie, Texas             


[1] Copied from “The ABC’s of Christian Growth” Robert Sanger, Bible Baptist Church Publications, Oak Harbor WA, 1986  Chapter “Church”
[2] Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
[3] Copied from “The ABC’s of Christian Growth” Robert Sanger, Bible Baptist Church Publications, Oak Harbor WA, 1986  Chapter “Church”
[4] Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
[5] Copied from “The ABC’s of Christian Growth” Robert Sanger, Bible Baptist Church Publications, Oak Harbor WA, 1986  Chapter “Church”

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