5-3-16 Obviously

I like comfort food. You know, ice cream, caramel topping and brownies thrown in, followed by chocolate chip cookies and a cappuccino. It doesn’t necessarily help me feel better when my Parkinson’s is acting up, but I justify it by seeking comfort.

I like to celebrate good things that happen to me. Nothing like rewarding myself with ice cream, caramel topping and brownies thrown in, followed by chocolate chip cookies and a cappuccino.
I find it interesting that I do the same thing for opposite occurrences. 

I just realized as I thought on this verse this morning that two things in life can make me forget about God. Afflictions and blessings.

This verse was one of those that I never really thought about. It is kind of a “duh” moment. It makes perfect sense that a Christian should do those things. In fact, it should come natural. Odd that I need to be reminded of something so obvious.

The thought here for me today is, no matter what happens, don’t forget about God. Keep Him in the loop.

“Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.” James 5:13.

© copyright 2016 Kevin T Boekhoff


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