6-15-15 Take Two

I like imagining I am in a movie because when I mess up I can just snap my imaginary board and say, “Take two.” God is great in that He allows us to start over, but it’s different than a movie “take.” Mistakes can have lasting consequences.

I know people that wish they could have the tattoos and scars from piercings removed without a major skin draft. Some wish they had never taken that first drink. Some cannot change the surgical alterations they made to their bodies. They can’t change it back. Many have scars from accidents and fights. Some are spending the rest of their lives in jail. Some struggle with psychiatric issues. Guilt cripples others.This list could go on…
Sin always hurts someone. It causes emotional, mental and physical pain to the sinner. It affects all those around him/her. The prodigal son hurt his parents, siblings, servants, friends and people he met.  The sin may be legal. It may even seem harmless, but if it leads someone down the road away from God, it has caused pain with eternal consequences.

Sin hurts the innocent – it put Jesus on the cross. It’s better to get it right than have several “mis-takes” with scars.

“And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want.” Luke 15:14.
© copyright Kevin T Boekhoff

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