11-2-15 How to Be Miserable

I remember when God was speaking to me about surrendering to His will for my life. At that time I tried to make full time Gospel ventriloquism God’s will. Hey, it was Christian and I was using it for God’s glory. However, no matter how much I tried to make it work, it wasn’t God’s will. It did not silence that still small voice in my heart. My will in God’s name was not the same thing.

One day I was praying, reading my Bible and studying. I came across a statement that said, you can have enough of the world to be miserable in Jesus and enough of Jesus to be miserable in the world. Good point. I went on to read another article in a Christian paper. Guess what I came across. Yup, the same statement. Later on, I came across it yet again. After three times, I understood. I eventually got the message.

God convicted me to do His will His way. I went off to Bible college and then started and pastored a Baptist church for almost ten years. Now, I am doing the ventriloquism, writing and speaking once in a while. Parkinson’s has tamed the idea of travelling, but I believe am doing God’s will God’s way.

God spoke to Jonah a second time. This time Jonah was ready to listen. It took three times for me to surrender for the ministry. God still speaks and I still need to listen.

“And the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the second time, saying” Jonah 3:1.

© copyright Kevin T Boekhoff

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