11-25-15 Ain't It Great!

I think of Jonah thinking, “Wow! Ain’t it Great! Look at this! This plant grew up in a night and gave me shade all day! I am so lucky! Now, if God would just get down to business and hit Ninevah with a little shock and awe my day would be complete. I know, I know, God said He would forgive them. But once He realizes how cruel they are, then ZAP, He will leave Ninevah a smoking ash heap.” But as the sun warms the day, Jonah notices that the plant is wilting.

God had prepared a cutworm to kill the plant. I wonder what God had prepared for him if he had straightened up his attitude. There are always consequences and rewards for decisions we make. Jonah’s life had been miserable serving God because his attitude was bad. He made his own life dismal. He missed out on the blessings God had prepared for him. He acted more like a spoiled brat than a responsible adult.

I might not understand or agree with God’s plan for my life, but I don’t have to make it worse by pouting about. Parkinson’s or a flu bug or cutworms ruining my flowers or whatever doesn’t have to make me bitter. I have found I can’t fix a lot of things, but I can trust in the One who can.

This time of year I am reminded to be thankful to God for everything. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” This means I am to be thankful for positive and negative things, good days and bad days. This keeps my attitude right. I would rather see the blessings rather than the consequences for my bad attitude.

“But God prepared a worm when the morning rose the next day, and it smote the gourd that it withered.” Jonah 4:7.

© copyright Kevin T Boekhoff

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