4-13-16 Toys

I have noticed that some people spend a lot of money on toys (women have collections). Now, I like toys. I would love to have a street rod, a power boat, a snowmobile, a motorcycle, etc. I could enjoy all those things. There was a time I wanted to have a Plymouth Prowler. I remember in 1977 I wanted a black Trans Am soooo badly I could taste it. I had a plan to accomplish this, too. But, it never happened. I got married instead.

I have also noticed that people on their death bed never ask me about their toys or collections. I have never had a guy say, “Would you drive my ’67 Camero by the window so I can see it one more time.” That strikes me as kind of silly. It seems the people in their lives are more important.

Just living for pleasures, satisfying their wicked hearts, doesn’t satisfy. At the end of life they discover how shallow it really was.

I like my stuff, but that is not the purpose of my life. I would enjoy a nice toy, but that is not what I live for. Money is a tool, not a goal.

God blesses me and gets all the credit for it. He even gives me an “I love you” once in a while. He is the main point of my life. All the other stuff is just that. Stuff.

“Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter.” James 5:5.

© copyright 2016 Kevin T Boekhoff

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