11-18-14 Pay Attention, Kevin

While working on a project in an auto body repair shop years ago, I checked in some parts for the car.  The hood came packaged in large cardboard sheets tied around it.

After unpackaging a hood for a full-sized 70’s Buick, I grabbed the cardboard sheets and headed for the dumpster.  I pushed it across the floor with the exuberance of youth.  I zipped along until the cardboard caught in a crack in the concrete.  The cardboard stopped abruptly but I didn’t. The cardboard sheet grabbed my upper lip and nearly inverted it over my nose.  In so doing, it destroyed the little lip attachment on the inner side of my lip.

After this, I watched for such anomalies in the floor, or carried the cardboard.  I learned to pay attention. Another great incentive for avoiding such occurrences was from my coworkers who found this event quite humorous and entertaining. This annoyed me greatly.

I am learning to pay attention in my day-to-day life, too.  I try to recognize and avoid any potential problems.  I am learning to pay attention to my body physically, as well.  I have to live with Parkinson’s disease like an uninvited guest.

Bitterness can sneak into my life, if I am not paying attention.  When people annoy me, I need to give it to God and let Him deal with them.  It helps to notice this early. 

“Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled” Hebrews 12:15.

© copyright Kevin T Boekhoff

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