1-22-15 If It Doesn't Fall Into Your Outstretched Hands...

“If it doesn’t fall into your outstretched hands, you won’t find it.” My wife says that whenever I can’t find something and she knows where it is.  She simply asked me to retrieve it for her, but it isn’t where she said it would be.  Then she will come over and pick it up.  It had to have appeared out of thin air because it wasn’t here an instant ago. Maybe in the future I need to ask God to open my eyes before I look.

I don’t know how many times this has happened, but a preacher will be bringing his message and he will give out something interesting.  I’ll say to myself, “I never saw that before” and grab my pen to write down this little jewel in my Bible by the verse. Then I notice that I wrote it down sometime before.  I end up beholding a wondrous thing out of the Bible.  I wonder when I penned it. I wonder how I could have forgotten such a brilliant point.

Other times I am studying and discover a truth I never noticed before – at least if I did I didn’t write it down. Thus, I am happy and amazed at the wondrous thing I just noticed. It always helps when God is in the study, too.  He opens my eyes to things that I missed the last time.

“Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.” Psalm 119:18.

© copyright Kevin T Boekhoff

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