1-19-16 My Sandbox

“Hey Brother, I was wondering if you would allow me to help out in Junior Church.”

“Nope, don’t need you. It’s my ministry.”

It is amazing that the day of salvation is a day of thanksgiving and gratitude. After a while that gentle tug from God comes along and the idea of service pops up – wherever there is a need. Service starts out with nerves and concern, but after some time it becomes easier. Then one day without realizing it, it has become “my ministry.” Pride sneaks in and the ministry becomes a personal kingdom. The ministry is no longer about the people, but about self.

In this case the respect of person is self. Self is on the pedestal. Self is in charge. Self doesn’t need anyone’s help. But if the ministerial leader’s heart is right, he/she will be willing to train someone to take over the ministry. God will open up other doors. If his/her heart is tender, the spiritual well-being of his/her ministry come first. He/she will let others play in his/her sandbox.

James says that if we have respect of persons, whether self or others, we commit sin. We are convicted by the Word of God as transgressors.

A little self-evaluation is in order. How am I treating people? Is self last or is self first. Am I worried about my own little kingdom? Or do I kick people out of my sandbox.

“If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.” James 2:8-9.

© copyright 2016 Kevin T Boekhoff

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